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Cutting-edge Daily Life of the Elderly#1


Let’s Go To a Concert!


In Japan, around 36 million people were aged 65 and over as of the end of May 2024, of whom 6.8 million (18.9%)* were considered “frail,” facing the risk of losing independence. This number is larger than the total population of Singapore (around 6.1 million). The good news, however, is that frailty is reversible; you can restore and maintain your independence by improving your lifestyle.


In July 2024, my favorite band had an outside concert to celebrate their 30th anniversary. As their long-time fan enduring years without their concerts because of the pandemic, my excitement was beyond words!

I was in my late 20s when I joined their fan club and started going to their concerts. Over 20 years have passed since then, and we are all growing older, including myself, the friend I go to their concerts with, other fans, as well as the artists.


On my way to the concert, I see a woman probably in her 60s, wearing a matching red event t-shirt, a little too much make up, and a pigtail hairstyle. Another person, a man around 60, has a spiky hairstyle made with plenty of wax, in the color just like the artists. They are all on the train quietly, heading to the event along with younger fans.


As I arrive at the venue and have a seat, I find that the woman on the seat in front of me is using a cane and supported by (maybe) her daughter. My guess is that she will take it easy and stay seated to enjoy the concert. The friend who comes with me also has a heart problem for the last few years, and it has been six years since the last time we went to their concert. She told me that she might need to sit down during the event.


Now, the show finally starts. With loud cheers filling the space, the fans stand up all at onceold, young, and even the lady in front of me with the cane! The program is exactly the same as the one 25 years ago, transporting us to 1999 and letting us have a blast just like those days.


The fans get energy from the band members, who don’t look like they are in their 50s, and give back twice as much energy to them.

The lady in front of me raises her both hands without the cane, the woman with pigtails moves her arms with tinsel, and the man with spiky hair raises a fist over his headall singing loudly, dancing, and smiling.


The concert lasts for three hours, counting the encore, but wait a minute…no one is sitting down?! Even my friend, who wasn’t confident in her stamina, keeps standing and is covered in sweat.


Well, we have nothing to worry about, after all. We don’t need a cane. If we get dressed up for what we love, spend over an hour to get there, and enjoy singing and dancing, standing for three hours is no big deal.

Isn’t that the best rehabilitation or what?


This is not just about physical health or strength; you also need to use your brain to make it happen. Since most tickets are now electronic, you need to have some ICT literacy skills, such as reading QR codes. A smartphone is an essential item.


In order to get to the concert venue and enjoy the event, you need to overcome various challenges requiring not just physical strength but intellectual skills and curiosity as well. Here are some examples:

·         Find information on the concert

·         Apply for the ticket lottery

·         Check the lottery result

·         Pay for the ticket (by credit card)

·         Use an app to check if the ticket has arrived

·         Distribute the e-ticket to the friend (if you’re going together)

·         Show the QR code on the smartphone screen

·         Find information on concert merchandise

·         Buy the items you like

·         Check the concert setlist

·         Download their new songs, using an app, and memorize them

·         Check how to get to the concert venue (if you live far, reserve train/plane tickets)

·         Prepare for heat

·         Choose the clothing and hairstyle for the concert


You can successfully arrive at the concert venue only when you complete all these tasks on your own or with someone’s help. If you can do all of these, you may no longer be considered “frail,” don’t you think?


“For what I love”this motivation must be the key to staying active.

<Written by M.K>


* Calculated based on the proportion presented in Figure 3 (p.15) in the FY2021 report on the “Study for Community Development through Collaboration with Various Industries

Based on the Construction of Community-Based Integrated Care Systems” by the International Longevity Center-Japan, using data in the Monthly Report of Statistics of Long-Term Care Benefit Expenditures (provisional, May 2024) by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.




推し活とプロダクティブ#1   『冷やかし」も立派なつながり

  人とつながりましよう! 地域活動に参加しましょう! 健康寿命が長くなるし、孤立してしまうことを予防できるし、大事だよね。   こんな言葉が、日本中の至るところで聴こえてきます。 確かに大事、そこに反論する人もいないはず。 でも、実際に、国や自治体、地域のリーダーが準備した場や活動に、出てくる人は多いといえません。   そんな地域に出てこない人を、孤立化している人と決めつけてしまいがちな福祉の専門職や地域のリーダーがいます。 果たしてそうなのでしょうか、本当に、誰とも接点をもたずに毎日をひとりで暮らしているのでしょうか?   私が週に一回、決まった曜日に顔を出すミニスーパーがあります。 そこに私が出かけていく理由は、必ず現れる気難しい雰囲気の 80 代くらいの男性が気になってたまらないから。   その男性、 3 回に一回はおつまみやお酒、バナナを買いますが、二回はなにも買わずに帰っていきます。 来て、ウロウロして、いつものパートのおばちゃんとバイトの大学生に話しかけ、満足気に出ていくのです。   「ここの唐揚げ硬いからな … 、年寄りのお客さん、来なくなるよ」 「大学生は勉強しなきゃ、俺みたいになっちゃうよ」 そんな言葉に、店員さんも慣れているのか、あいづちをうち、時にはアドバイスに感謝することも。   本心からの感謝ではないにしても、言われた本人は少し嬉しそう。 「まあ、昔、サービス業をしてたからさ、またくるからよ!」 と、足取りも軽く、何も買わずに去っていく、世間では孤立していると思われている男性。   そんなやり取りを、日本では『冷やかし』とも言うのですが。 毎回、感じるのは、「冷やかしも、この男性にとってプロダクティブなつながりなのだ … 」という新たな視点。   ここで大事なのは、誰にでも、どこででも『冷やかし』が成り立つわけではないこと。 その人にとって、馴染んだ、いつもの場や人であることが必須であり、相手も受け入れてくれることが大前提。   冷かしは、見守りや生きがいといわれるサポーティブな関係にはならないかもしれない。 でも、...

Supporting my fav seniors#2 Enjoying Time Together Is Productive

Halloween is growing popular also here in Japan, with more shopping centers and local communities organizing events. I didn’t mean to copy them, but I have also organized a Halloween party   with my neighbors for the last five years or so. We started this event with the hope that this could be an opportunity for local residents to get to know each other.   Participants would visit places like private houses of seniors who would support the event, a residential home for seniors, a flower shop, a bicycle shop, a chocolate shop, a community house, and many more. Every year, we make up a story (e.g., searching for a “fugitive pumpkin”) and create a map that goes along with it. Children and adults walk around the neighborhood with the map and explore the neighborhood.   A dog statue with a red bell pepper (pretending to be the “fugitive pumpkin”) at the entrance of a home for seniors, one of the check points in the walking event. The staff there would wait for part...

推し活とプロダクティブ#4           プロダクティブは「多様」

「施設に入っていた 90 歳の母、身体も弱ってきて、元気もなくなっていたのね。なにかしたいことあるって聞いたら、なんて答えたと思う?」 こんな問いをしてきたのは、生きがいづくりを応援する活動団体の代表でもあり、ご自身のお母様をサポートする C さん。   私の頭に浮かんだのは、「日本橋〇〇のうなぎが食べたい」と亡くなる数日前に呟いた祖父の姿。 C さんも同じだったようで、「大好物の ◾️◾️ が食べたい」なんて答えが返ってくると思っていらしたとのこと。   「でもね、違ったの。働きたいって、ポツリと呟いたの」 そんなお母様とのやり取りから、 C さんは、歳を重ねても可能な限り長くプロダクティブでいられる場づくりに取り組むようなったとのお話をうかがい、大いに頷いた私だったのですが … 。   ふと、思い出したのが、生きがいづくりの講座で講演した際に聴こえてきた受講者からの言葉。 「ねえ、イキイキしないとダメなの?そう言われると、なんだか辛い … 」と小さな声で私に呟いたのは 70 代後半の女性。   その瞬間に感じたのは、無意識に生きづらさを生み出してしまった自分の配慮のなさ。 プロダクティブや生きがいは、仕事して働き続けることやスーパーボランティアや地域のリーダーになることだけではないはずなのに … 。   その女性には、自分の楽しいことや好きなことを周りに少しシェアする位でよくて、イキイキの姿は人それぞれでよいことをご説明させて頂き、笑顔で帰っていただのだけれど … 。 それ以来、気をつけすぎる位に丁寧にお伝えしているのは、プロダクティブのあり方は多様で、そこに優劣はないということ。   今考えると、最期を迎える前の祖父も、鰻が食べたかったのではなく、多分、孫や子どもを自分の贔屓の店に連れて行って喜ばせたかったのかもしれない 大事な誰かに好きをシェアしたい、そんな祖父の想いが詰まった言葉が、「日本橋の〇〇のうなぎが食べたい」だったのかな … 。   今なら少しわかる、祖父の気持ち。 あの時に理解できていたら、もう少し違う会話ができたのかな … と、 30 年前を振り返る毎日です。     -...