“My 90-year-old mom lived in a care home, and she was losing strength and energy. So I asked her if there’s anything she’d like to do. What do you think she said?” I was asked this question by Ms. C, the representative of an organization helping people find Ikigai (meaning and purposes of life), who also provided support for her mother. What came to my mind was the image of my grandfather a few days before he passed away, mumbling “I want to eat eel at the XX restaurant in Nihonbashi.” It turned out that Ms. C also expected a similar response like “I want to eat my favorite XX.” “But I was wrong. She quietly said, ‘I want to work’.” Ms. C told me that such conversations with her mother had led her to develop a place for people to stay productive as they age. I nodded in total agreement, but… This conversation also reminded me of the words by a participant in an Ikigai class I taught; it was a woman in her late 70s. She whispered to me: “Wel...
国際長寿センターは1990年の設立以来、エイジズムに反対し、豊かで創造的な社会を目指す国際長寿センター・アライアンスの「プロダクティブ・エイジング」の考え方に沿って活動してきました。 私たちはかねてから日本の長寿社会に関する情報について調査研究やイベント結果の発信を報告書やHPで発信してきましたが、より機動的にまた読みやすい形で発信するためにブログの形式も利用することとしました。 内容は、現在の日本の高齢者と高齢社会のすばらしい事柄から、課題や方向性など含めながらコンパクトな記事を用意していきます。 ご愛読をお願いします。